Group Photos after Ceremony

Group photos with friends and family at the cocktail hour and during reception party

Philip and Austin with childhood friends from Reading, MA (photo by Elena)

NYU Group

The Koga's and their in-laws from Sweden, the Mankowitz's

The Koga's and friends from Japan

(From left) Chester Chen, Toshiko Chen, Noritaka Koga, Akihito Suzuki, and Stanley Chen.
Chester and Stanley are Mei-Ching's brothers.

(From left) Mrs. Suzuki, Toshiko Chen, Mrs. Matsushita and her sister Mrs. Keiko Koga,
Mei-Ching, Mrs. Fujita, and her daughter-in-law Yuki Fujita.


(From left) Chester Chen, Nabuo Fujita, Tsuyoshi Matsushita, Noritaka Koga, Akihito Suzuki,
Seiya Fujita, Stanely Chen, and Eric Mankowitz, the Koga's son-in-law from Sweden.

Koga's friends and family

The Tzeng's family with Vincent's sister Susan and brother-in-law Ken Liu

Mei-Ching's siblings with the newly weds

With all the Chens

Original photos provided by Dennis