10/24/2024, CruiseDay 12, Kochi
A snippet of Kochi city on Google Maps.
1. is the Port of Kochi Terminal (高知新港客船ターミナル)
2. is the 坂本龍馬紀念館, Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Hall.
3. is the 五台山 (Godaisan) 公園 and 竹林寺 (Chikurinji Temple).
4. is the
Kochi City Center, and is where we are spending time for the day.
An outer gate of the Kochi Castle.
There were several long stairs to get to this point.
The castle keep.
In the crowded Hiromi Market.
We shared fried chicken and katsuo no tataki (鰹のたたき).
Giant poster of katsuo no tataki (鰹のたたき) on the wall.
This vendor was located just outside the entrance to the Hiromi Market,
and he had many Caucasian customers today.
Inside the Taiwanese dessert shop.
We were the only guests in the shop.
We shared hot dessert with silken bean curd, grass jelly, red beans, boba pearls, etc.